The breakdown of a marriage can be the most stressful time in your life. You need a knowledgeable and dedicated attorney who can guide you through the process and advocate for your rights under the law.
Our practice includes divorce, child custody, child support, and enforcement of custody and support. We work with men and women at all stages of divorce, whether you are just thinking about filing, have just filed and want to seek a temporary custody or support order, or need guidance with a request to modify or enforce a final divorce judgment. We handle problems involving requests for relocation, as well as contempt proceedings when one party violates a custody or support order.
By providing you with information about your rights and available options, we can help you understand the issues involved and work with you to determine a strategy that meets your particular goals and legal needs.
Quarles Law Firm, LLC, consists of two seasoned attorneys--Randy and Fran Quarles--with over 50 years of combined legal experience. Your case is never turned over to a paralegal or fresh-out-of-law-school associate at the Quarles Law Firm, LLC. Randy and Fran also have been married to each other for over 19 years, and, through past personal experiences, they understand the emotional and financial turmoil that divorce, child custody and child support issues can cause in your life.
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about divorce, child support and child custody matters.
In Alabama, there are 12 grounds, or reasons, for divorce. There are two “no-fault” grounds—“incompatibility of temperament” and “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage”—and 10 grounds which are considered “fault” grounds, such as adultery and abandonment.
Do I need to prove my spouse was at
What is a “no-fault” divorce?
FAQs About Divorce Generally
What is a “fault” divorce?
What is an “uncontested divorce”?
What is alimony?
How does the judge determine the
amount of alimony to award?

Family Law at Quarles Law Firm, LLC

A court can also award temporary alimony during the pendency of the action.
♦ parties’ age, sex and health
♦ parties’ standard of living
♦ parties’ future prospects for income and
maintaining the standard of living
♦ parties’ conduct leading to the divorce

I really don't want to go to court--are
there any alternatives to a trial?
Where and how do I start a divorce
♦ The parties' personal involvement in the resolution promotes
♦ Alternative dispute resolution is typically quicker than courtroom
♦ Alternative dispute resolution and its shorter timeframe reduce
♦ The involvement of an objective third party removes a great deal
I just received a complaint for divorce from my
spouse - what do I do now?
Will a jury decide my divorce issues if there is a trial?
Can I stop a divorce that my spouse started,
or can my spouse stop the divorce if I filed?

Am I stuck with the same court order forever?
How is child support calculated?

What do I do since my ex-spouse
has stopped paying child
If DHR is seeking to enforce my ex-spouse’s child support
obligations, do I need my own lawyer?
Help! I've lost my job and can't make my court-ordered child support.
What should I do?
How will the Court determine where my
children should reside after the divorce?
What can I do if I live out-of-state, but my ex-spouse
has moved to Alabama and stopped paying child

Do I have to hire a lawyer?

Alternative dispute resolution in the divorce context is considered preferable for a number of reasons, including:

In addition to an answer, you can file a counterclaim. With a counterclaim, you are asking the court to grant you a divorce on your terms

FAQs About Child Support
FAQs About Child Custody
Joint custody means the parents share custody equally. The children may live for several months with one parent followed by an equal amount of time with the other. Alternating weeks between parents is generally considered too disruptive by the courts. With joint custody, both parents share in decisions equally; however joint custody can present problems for a school-age child if the parents do not live close to each other or if the parents find it difficult to agree on decisions.
When can my children decide where they want to live?
Can I relocate if I have custody?

If my ex-spouse fails to pay child support, do I have to allow visitation?
Do I have to pay child support if my ex-
spouse won’t let me see the children?

The following language is required pursuant to Rule 7.2, Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of the legal services performed by other lawyers.
It is important to find an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to represent not only your best interests – but the best interests of your children.

What are the grounds for a divorce?
FAQs About the Process
Can the amount of child support
ever be changed?
© 2016-2024 Quarles Law Firm, LLC
300 Office Park Drive, Suite 100
Mountain Brook, AL 35223